This letter serves as a formal warning letter and is to substantiate in writing our meeting of 20-09-20XX regarding your gross misconduct and to indicate my suppositions that I have formulated in order to set your performance to be set in motion forthwith. You are therefore warned of auxiliary punitive action if your conduct is not improved.
I have formulated this precautionary evaluation to help you to reshape your work to a better standard according to the appraisal that has been mentioned in your resume. In your previous employee record, your manager has dispensed the concern with you regarding your gross misconduct.
On the other hand, I want to highlight that some inadequacies would not account for undesirable staging when examined independently, the progressive effect exhibits your inefficiency to match up to anticipated work standards. I think that this thing is necessary to start up a corrective plan of action to make you understand that your faults are not acceptable at all and secondly according to the set rules of the company such deficiency in performance cannot be sanctioned.
You have been counseled many times by Mr. Hamilton verbally regarding your bad performance and he has provided you in detail the pros and cons of the work. Moreover, you were also provided with training sessions but despite all these sessions, your performance is not meeting the expectations. Not only Mr. Hamilton but your coworkers had also assisted you to better your performance, but you failed despite all the efforts.
I have made a twenty days plan for you in which you are ordered to improve your performance. You will be supervised strictly and take this as a last warning. I am doing all this in order to improve your performance and bring it up to the expectations of our company. You have to keep a copy of this letter with you and after the given days if your performance does not get improve then we will have no other option than to exclude you. I hope that you will take this warning seriously.
Tulip Hughes

Subject: Warning letter to employee for gross misconduct
Dear Mr. Ralph,
This letter serves as a warning to you regarding your unacceptable conduct in the workplace. This thing has come to my notice that you often remain absent from the work and your attendance has come short this time too. I had warned you verbally last time to not take unnecessary leave, but you did not take it seriously. Again, I have noticed your irregular truancies from the office based on your attendance record. You only come three days a week while you are allowed only three leaves per month. This kind of attitude is totally unacceptable.
This is a warning letter on the basis of your irregular absenteeism. I am informed by Miss Jennifer that she personally has discussed the attendance issue with you, but you did not show any improvement. I am issuing this letter as a last warning to improve your presence. Your uninformed leaves put a mad impact on the company’s progress, and this is totally unbearable.
You are hereby ordered strictly to remain for fifteen days in a warning. If your presence does not get improved, then we have the full right to expel you from the post-marketing manager. You will mark your attendance daily and your arrival time in the office will also be noted. While leaving the office you will also mark your attendance. All this we are doing to make your attendance record better. I hope that you will take this warning seriously and will improve your attendance record.
Julie Martin